
Album: MY HEROES  |  Song lyrics to: SOMETHING SPECIAL

Lead Vocal: Cathy Gehr
Music & Lyrics: Peter Gehr
Producer: Peter Gehr


Verse 1
Long-haired Samson used a jaw bone to the glory of our God.
David used some pebbles and a sling, and Aaron used a rod.

Verse 2
Dorcas used a needle and some thread.
She stitched, and fixed, and sewed.
Rahab had a little piece of string, and Shamgar used an ox goad.

These may sound ordinary, but these are true stories
Of the little things that God used.
You have something special that God would be so thankful
If you used it to help others, too.

Repeat Verse 1

Repeat Verse 2

Repeat Chorus

You have something special that God would be so thankful
If you used it to help others, too.


"SOMETHING SPECIAL" (with chords)

Intro: (E)-(A)-(E)-(A)-(E)

Verse 1
(E)Long-haired Samson (A)used a jaw (E)bone to the glory (B)of our God.(E)-(B)
(E)David used some (A)pebbles and a (E)sling, and (B)Aaron used a (E)-(A)-(E)rod. (E)-(A)-(E)

Verse 2
(E)Dorcas used a (A)needle and some (E)thread.
She stitched, and (B)fixed, and (E)sewed.(B)
(E)Rahab had a (A)little piece of (E)string, and Shamgar (B)used an ox (E)goad.(E7)

These (A)may sound ordin(F#m)ary, but (E)these are true (C#m)stories
Of the (A)little things (B)that God (E)used.(E7)
(A)You have something (F#m)special that (E)God would be so (C#m)thankful
If you (A)used it to help (B)others, (E)-(A)-(E)too.

Repeat Verse 1

Repeat Verse 2

Repeat Chorus

(A)You have something (F#m)special that (E)God would be so (C#m)thankful
If you (A)used it to help (B)others, (A)too. (A)-(E)

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