
Album: MAGIC OF LOVE  |  Song lyrics to: H-A-P-P-Y

Music & Lyrics: Per Bjerregaard


We are happy why not try?
A kiss, a smile throughout the day,
Happiness is here to stay!

[Repeat chorus]

High and low, everywhere,
Happiness is in the air.
It will flow and never stop
If we'll love and not give up!

[Repeat chorus]

High and low, everywhere,
Happiness is in the air.
If we'll only change one heart
Then at least it is a start!

[Repeat chorus twice]


"H-A-P-P-Y" (with chords)

Capo: 1st Fret


(E)We are happy (B)why not try?
A (E)kiss, a smile through(A)out the day,
(E)Happiness is (B)here to (E)stay!

[Repeat chorus]

(A)High and low, (B)everywhere,
(A)Happiness is (B)in the air.
(A)It will flow and (B)never stop
(A)If we'll love and (B)not give up!

[Repeat chorus]

(A)High and low, (B)everywhere,
(A)Happiness is (B)in the air.
(A)If we'll only (B)change one heart
(A)Then at least it (B)is a start!

[Repeat chorus twice]

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