
Album: RESCUE  |  Song lyrics to: HE GIVETH POWER TO THE FAINT

Bible Ref: Luke 17:14b; Isaiah 40:29; Psalm 34:19
Music & Lyrics: Cathy Gehr


Verse 1:
And it came to pass,
That as they went they were healed,
And it came to pass,
That as they went they were healed,
And it came to pass,
That as they went they were healed,
And it came to pass,
That as they went they were heal-ed

He giveth power to the faint,
He giveth power to the faint,
He giveth power to the faint;
And to them that have no might
He increaseth strength

[Repeat Chorus]

Verse 2:
Many are the afflictions of the righteous:
But the Lord delivereth them out of them all

[Repeat Chorus]

[Repeat Verse 2]

He giveth power to the faint,
He giveth power to the faint,
He giveth power to the faint,
He giveth power to the faint



[Capo on 3rd fret]

Intro: (D)-(C)-(D)

Verse 1:
And it came to (D)pass, (A)-(D)
That as they (C)went they were (G)heal(D)ed,
(A)And it came to (D)pass, (A)-(D)
That as they (C)went they were (G)heal(D)ed,
(A)And it came to (D)pass, (A)-(D)
That as they (C)went they were (G)heal(D)ed,
(A)And it came to (D)pass, (A)-(D)
That as they (C)went they were (G)heal(D)-(A)ed

He giveth power to the (E)faint,
(A)-(E)He giveth power to the faint,
(A)-(E)He giveth power to the faint;
And to them (F#m7)that have no (B9)might
He increaseth (E)strength (A7)-(E)

[Repeat Chorus]

Verse 2:
(A)Many are the afflictions of the (E)righteous:
But the (A)Lord delivereth them (B)out of them all

[Repeat Chorus]

[Repeat Verse 2]

He giveth power to the (E)faint,
(A)-(E)He giveth power to the faint,
(A)-(E)He giveth power to the faint,
(A)-(E)He giveth power to the faint (A)-(E)

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