
Album: HE METANOYA - L'ALBUM  |  Song lyrics to: PHANTOM OF MUSIC

Lead Vocals: Agnès & Bénédicte
Band Members: Agnès & Bénédicte, Olivier, Chesco, Davy Coutouly, Michael
Band: The Metanoya


Verse 1
Lonely sound I hear
The phantom of music ringing in my ear
How can I ever say
The words that I have for the children today
Oh, dark clouds overhead, why do they play?
The night’s closing in, you could die today

Verse 2
Searching, search near & far
He’s crying his heart on a broken guitar
When he has a message to bring
He writes his song & his message he sings
He would walk endless roads in hope yet to find
The beat of true love & hear peace of mind

Born in an age of peace, love, & hope
With music that lived,
But now in the dark we dance & we grope
The dead generation of music becomes
Hardened of hearts to paint up our day
And filled up its ears
With heart numbing sounds that have nothing to say

Verse 3
Feeling disillusion & pain
The song of the wound crying out once again
Sad song you may never hear
But I’ll sing it for you, it’s for you that I fear
Go, dance as you will, no need to ask why
The dead generation of music has died

Born in an age of peace, love, & hope
With music that lived,
But now in the dark we dance & we grope
The dead generation of music becomes
Hardened of heart to paint up our day
And fill up its ears
With heart numbing sounds that have nothing to say


Born in an age of peace, love, & hope
With music that lived,
But now in the dark we dance & we grope
The dead generation of music becomes
Hardened of heart to paint up our day
And fill up its ears
With heart numbing sounds that have nothing to say

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