Album: FOUR DAYS AT SEA | Song lyrics to: ONE BREATH AWAY
When I was thirteen I used to know this kid…I played ball with him every now and then. He wasn’t very liked like no matter what he tried, like he was always pushed around most of his life. By the way he talked and by the things he said you could tell that he was messed up up in his head. Sometimes I think about it like, “What could I have done to try to save his life?” Did anyone care that he needed some help? (No) Did anyone care that he was by himself? (No) Everybody came to put flowers at his grave, but now that it’s over no one remembers his name.
Everybody’s looking for love inside this
World that crumbles every day
And sometimes they lie awake at night
And the love is just a breath away
A man just married to a beautiful wife, with a jazz guitar and a wonderful life which fell apart when he started to work too hard, overtime every day cause they needed the pay. He felt something was wrong and he’d snap before long, still, he kept sleeping less and home life was a mess. His wife came home and discovered him dead—his heart had stopped sleeping as he lay in his bed.
Everybody’s looking for love inside this
World that crumbles every day
And sometimes they lie awake at night
And the love is just a breath away
A son of immigrants—from Korea they were—parental negligence through his teens made him hurt. Didn’t have any friends as he made it through school; computer games were his life and killing people was cool. One night he decided he’d had enough of this life, he brought a knife and some guns to college to fight. He shot twenty-two friends and then himself in the head. If something doesn’t change soon, we’ll all be dead.
Everybody’s looking for love inside this
World that crumbles every day
And sometimes they lie awake at night
And the love is just a breath away