Album: NAKED | Song lyrics to: MUSTARD SEED
Verse 1
Behold the birds of the air
They neither toil nor despair
But your Father feedeth them,
Are ye not more than they?
Take no thought for yourself
What you’ll eat, where you’ll dwell,
What the next daylight will bring
For your Father seeth all things
If I can make the world to spin around
Cause life to be formed from the dust of the ground
Make all that you see in the space of seven days
Are you My love a hard thing for Me?
You can say unto this mountain
“Be ye cast into the sea”
If you would have the faith of a grain of mustard seed.
The dead raise to life,
The lame stand to his feet
If you my Love, put your trust in Me.
Verse 2
You are My bride, My wife to be
I bled and died to make you free
I gave you all there was of Me
Now did you think that I would leave?
You do My work, and heed My call
You humbly serve and give your all.
So come My love, take your fill
I promise I will fit the bill.
Repeat Chorus